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Sister Callistus Arnsby
Sister Callistus Arnsby
Sister Callistus speaks about the School of Music [Part Two]
In 1963, Sister Mary Margaret Childs, who was a gifted vocal and choir teacher, began the St Cecilia Singers which was a senior girls' choir. It was comprised of 12-20 elite girls and they won numerous awards and performed in various concerts and…
Sister Callistus speaks about the Andrea Doria [Part Two]
Several small ships responded to the Andrea Doria's distress call, as did the French luxury liner the Ile de France. The French liner went 200 miles out of its way to respond to the distress call and the captain asked for volunteers to man the 32…
Piano Recital [Part Two]
Sister Callistus gave a piano recital to the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph at Mount St Joseph Motherhouse. Selections include:
Adagio Cantabile” from Sonata Pathétique—Ludwig van Beethoven
Mazurka in a minor—Frédéric Chopin
Adagio Cantabile” from Sonata Pathétique—Ludwig van Beethoven
Mazurka in a minor—Frédéric Chopin
Piano Recital [Part One]
Sister Callistus gave a piano recital to the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph at Mount St Joseph Motherhouse. Selections include:
Sheep may safely graze—Johann Sebastien Bach
Intermezzo in A Major—Johannes Brahms
Moonlight Sonata—Ludwig…
Sheep may safely graze—Johann Sebastien Bach
Intermezzo in A Major—Johannes Brahms
Moonlight Sonata—Ludwig…
Christmas Organ Recital
Sister Callistus was the Congregation's organist for 60 years. She received her Associate's Diploma in Organ from the Toronto Conservatory in 1933 and studied under the tutelage of Belgian organist César Borré.
Sr Callistus was also a gifted…
Sr Callistus was also a gifted…
Sister Callistus speaks about the School of Music [Part One]
Sister Callistus was the long-time Principal of St Joseph's School of Music which was amalgamated with the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music on the University of Western Ontario campus.
In this tape, Sister Callistus recalls the history of the…
In this tape, Sister Callistus recalls the history of the…
Sister Callistus speaks about the Andrea Doria [Part One]
In 1987, Sister Callistus spoke to the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph at Mount St Joseph Motherhouse in London, Ontario. The story was well known, but it was the first time that she had spoken to the whole Congregation about the sinking of…
Sister Callistus arriving home
Sister Callistus Arnsby pictured getting out of a car as several Sisters greet her. It is likely that this is her arrival back to London, Ontario after her experience on the Andrea Doria. The time period is correct, and the Sisters accompanying her…
The Andrea Doria in port
On July 26, 1956, the famed Andrea Doria ship sank off the coast of New York. Sister Callistus Arnsby travelled ont he ship when it collided with the MV Stockholm, and this would prove a formative moment in her life.